Community Land Trusts


Key Features of our housing needs surveys  for Community Land Trusts:

• we understand the aims and ethos of the movement;
• our work is designed to withstand scrutiny when used to support a planning application or defend an appeal;
• we offer flexible survey design capable of canvassing public views on topics other than housing; and
• we have experience of undertaking public consultation alongside the housing needs survey or assessment.

Why CNB Housing Insights? 

We have completed 4 housing needs survey assignments for Community Land Trusts. We understand the ethos of a CLT and recognise that an important aim is to ensure that housing that is needed locally is delivered. Our work is designed to help achieve this aim.

CNB Housing Insights has a flexible approach to housing needs survey questionnaire design. Our basic survey questionnaire is short and easy for residents to complete. However, in addition to questions needed to assess the need for additional housing locally we can add questions to find out what the general public believes about:

• the need for additional housing generally;
• what priorities the public would attach to housing being provided for particular household groups such as new households, older people and key workers;
• what types of housing the public believes necessary, if any; and
• what additional facilities local households wish to see established locally.

Chris and Nicola on later projects have worked with numerous CLTS to deliver HNS including Emsworth, Faversham, Lune Valley (Lancaster) and Roman Road (Tower Hamlets). 

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